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How Often Should You Cut Your Hair?

If you’ve been putting off trimming your hair, today is the day when you should stop.

For many years I was of the opinion that cutting your hair would have any benefit whatsoever. In fact, I’m going to be honest with you here because that’s what I’m all about.

I was thinking that people who cut their hair were just being extra, they just wanted to do it because their hairdresser had told they should, not because they wanted to.

I especially didn’t think that black women needed to have their hair cut.

I did not realize in those days that I was in the wrong. There are many benefits to trimming hair which I will go through with you in the next few minutes.

What Does Trimming Your Hair Include?

If you cut off the hair’s ends you basically eliminate some of the damage hair is subject to through every day activities. Trimming your hair is also described as dusting the end of your hair, as you’re eliminating those parts that may be damaged.

How often do you need to trim Your Hair?

There are varied opinions on the frequency you should cut your hair. A lot of that decision should be based on your personal circumstances.

For example, if you are prone to doing a lot of things with your hair then you’ll have to trim it more frequently.

If you do fairly low maintenance hairstyles , such as twist-outs, then you could discover that you don’t have to cut your hair as often.

The more you understand your hair, the easier it will be to know when you’re due for a trim.

If you’re a novice to trimming then as a guide its a good idea to cut your hair every four months or so. If you want to try and retain more length then you can wait a bit longer than the timeframe maybe 6-8 months instead.

If you’re looking to keep your hair longer, then I would recommend that you be extremely cautious with your hair and limit your manipulation to at a minimal level.

Can cutting hair help with Loss of Hair?

Hair loss on its own does not help hair loss.

What is does do is create an illusion that your hair appears larger than it really is.

If you are noticing hair loss in places then it is a good suggestion to adopt shorter hairstyles so that the loss is not as evident.

If you’re worried your hair loss is much greater than it is, then it would be wise to see a specialist in hair care.
Is Trimming Good For Hair Growth?

The belief that many are under is that cutting your hair will make it grow faster. That is simply just not the case.

Hair trimming doesn’t cause it to grow faster, however what it does is help to promote healthier hair growth.

If you feel that the ends of your hair appear a rough and not realistic, it is quite likely that you could be in need of a trim.

What’s the difference between a Trim and a Hair Cut?

While there are some similarities between a haircut and a trim there are some distinctions too.

When you cut your hair, you will only cut a tiny amount of hair off. Perhaps 1/2 inch at time.

A haircut is more distinct and can be any size of hair. You may have had long hair but then decided to cut it short.

Whist both are technically cutting your hair, trimming is a much milder version.

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My Best Tip For You

If there’s one essential thing I can advise you regarding trimming your hair it’s that you must always make sure you make use of professional-grade scissors. They are specifically designed to cut hair.

If you try trimming your hair with a regular scissor you’ll end up with split ends as they are not designed for this purpose.

1. Great Ideal Growth

Trimming your hair may seem to be counterproductive when you’re trying to increase length, however I am able to assure you that it is not.

The benefits of trimming hair can be enormous.

When you cut your hair, you are taking away the hair strands that do more harm than good. This opens up the hair that is healthy to begin to grow.

If you have been struggling to control your growth, trimming make a very big difference to you.

2. Promotes Healthy Hair

Healthy hair is an absolute must if you want something that you can be proud of.

It’s a waste of time to have long hair if , when others examine it, it appears frizzled and fried (if it’s even a term).

Hair damaged by damage is hanging on by a thread and you will probably experience more breakage as an effect of it.

It is essential to keep your hair in optimal condition by cutting it frequently.

3. Gets Free of Split Gets Rid of Split

Split ends are everywhere’s enemy. Nobody likes them.

When you begin to experience split ends, there is no way to fix them. A hair that was just one healthy strand of hair has split in two, creating a weaker, more unattractive.

If you believe that by being more gentle with split ends that they won’t become any worse, this isn’t correct.

Split ends travel. The only solution to stop split ends from moving and causing further damage is to trim off the split end. This is the reason regular trimming should be a necessary part of your hair regimen.

4. Get Rid of Swollen It’s Over

Have you ever noticed an individual with bulging looking ends?

Its where the ends of hair appear more puffy than the hair closer to the root.

It’s a sign of damage. You must trim it.

5. No More Heating Damage

Most of us have experienced the effects of heat before. The primary culprits are usually hair straighteners and blow-drying.

Once you’ve got heat damage you can’t repair it.

I know some product manufacturers say that you can repair heat damage but you can’t. Once you’ve got heat damage, this is pretty much the end of it. Your only option is to remove it and grow it again.

If cutting your hair makes your stomach turn into a knot, then opt to reduce it every for a month, until all damage is gone.

If you ever are tempted to straighten your hair try this method instead.

6. Easier To Style

Having hair that is damaged or the ends do not look nice makes styling much more difficult because it’s as if you are working with two different hair types, and it’s not a great way to go about it.

Hair damaged by damage tends not to perform as you’d like also, which makes styling a lot harder.

7. Makes Hair Look Thicker

Once you have started trimming your hair, you’ll immediately observe the positive results on your hair.

Your hair will appear stronger and healthier from the beginning to end.

8. Prevents Single Strand Knots

Single strand knots can be a bit of an issue for us who have naturally curly hair. This is because hair strands tend to twist and knot around each other.

There’s really not any thing you can do to avoid it. Keeping your hair stretched out state can help to reduce the effects but you might not necessarily want your hair stretched.

The reason single stand knots can be troublesome is because they create more knots when other hairs get caught in them , too.

The hair that is naturally shed may also get caught up , causing numerous breakages.

9. Reduces Frizz

Frizz is also a problem which you must avoid where possible.

Frizz may occur if are prone to wearing a lot of hats or scarfs. Hair is very delicate and frizz can result in damage to your hair’s strands.

Regular trimming can help keep this in check.

10. Easier To Detangle

Detangle your hair is a process all on its own, however that procedure becomes even more difficult when you are confronted with ends that are not in good shape.

You’ll likely need to handle split ends, breakage and other issues of all kinds.

This is the reason why the advantages of trimming hair are huge compared to not trimming at all.

The regular trimming of your hair can cut down on the amount of time needed to get it out of the way.

11. Keeps Hair Looking Good

There’s a general good feeling in cutting your hair. If you’ve ever thought why when some people style their hair in a way that it looks like they just stepped out of the salon, it’s likely because they’ve made the effort to keep up with regular trimming.

3 Different Ways To Cut Your Hair

1. Search and Destroy

Find and eliminate is a method that can become quite addictive if you are not vigilant.

It’s a straightforward method which requires you to search for strands of hair that are split, damaged by heat or are generally not in good shape.

The principle is that you search, you find and then you cut. It’s a very satisfying process so you’ll need to be aware of when to stop.

The process is very effective but you must know that it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get all the damaged hairs.

The most effective way to approach this technique is to style your hair in small pieces at a time.

2. Naturally Curly Hair Trim

If you’d like, you could trim your hair in its natural curls, but you will need a few hours of practice to achieve this otherwise you run the risk of making some areas shorter than others.

3. Straight Hair Trim

Trimming your hair straight will be the most efficient method to do it.

The benefit of trimming your hair in this manner is that you’ll have more control over ensuring that what you cut is exact and that you don’t go too short in any particular area.

Final Thoughts on The Benefits of Trimming Hair

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of routine trimming of natural hair, for many reasons I’ve previously mentioned.

If you wish for your natural hair growth in the correct way, then it is essential to ensure that trimming is a regular part of your daily routine. Don’t skip it.