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Drive More Ecommerce Sales With Shopify’s Plug-and-Play 3D Model Display App

Merchants want to replicate real-world shopping environments where buyers can examine things from every angle as e-commerce grows. This is made possible via Shopify’s 3D viewer app, which offers improved virtual experiences and increased conversion rates. Let’s examine how the Shopify 3D viewer functions to creatively present products.

Comprehending the 3D Viewer on Shopify

An embeddable online application called the Shopify 3D viewer enables e-commerce companies to show 3D models rather than standard 2D photos, allowing for photo-realistic interactability. Consumers can zoom in closely, turn goods 360 degrees, and view details from several angles as though they were holding the actual product.

Products are also more aesthetically pleasingly displayed in realistic settings and lighting than in still photos. Shopify’s 3D viewer links to 3D model files hosted remotely and loads within product pages with ease using short code snippets. No other apps or plugins are required for the well-designed UI.

Benefits of Shopify’s 3D Viewer for Merchants

Boost Sales and Conversions Studies show that product pages including Shopify’s 3D viewer can increase conversion rates by up to 40%. Allowing for a closer look reduces returns brought about by misplaced assumptions, boosting customer confidence.

Boost Your Storytelling Skills
Customers should be drawn into branded narratives that present things in authentically lived-in environments. Model-centered strategic branding components artistically amplify marketing messaging.

Cut Down on Exchanges and Returns When tangible goods are paired with incredibly detailed 3D models, customers receive exactly what they expected. This reduces returns by preventing false impressions of the goods based solely on static photos.

Make Comparisons Easy With Shopify’s 3D viewer, users can easily open numerous 3D models side by side to compare product colour variations, configurations, and accessory mixtures.

Acquire Vital Data In order to make data-driven decisions regarding the best-selling configurations that should receive more marketing attention, the viewer offers insights on unique views, interactions, drop-off rates, and conversions.

How to Use Shopify’s 3D Viewer by Merchants

The first step in using the Shopify 3D model viewer is to find or create photo-realistic 3D product renderings using 3D scanners or CGI artists. The majority of CGI software studios offer model files that are easily embedded with little code in product page apps like Shopify, making them suitable for online deployment.

Subsequently, verify the technical specifications of 3D viewers, such as WebGL compatibility, and allocate mobile data limits for model files that may be huge and surpass local caches. Additionally, based on theme designs, optimise graphics for viewing in both bright and dark modes.

Install the viewer app lastly from inside the admin panels of your Shopify store, then copy and paste shortcodes that point to 3D files stored on safe cloud content delivery networks from product pages. Adapt display positioning in relation to text/image descriptions as necessary to present every item offered in a clean, eye-catching 3D!

In summary

Shopify’s 3D viewer integration offers direct merchandising benefits as online shopping becomes more and more popular, enabling e-commerce firms to front the retail industry’s technological revolution. Early adopters draw in audiences by using 3D product visualisation to creatively fuel conversations and sales by enabling tangible inspection experiences from a distance. With Shopify’s 3D viewer, meet buyers where virtual and real worlds converge!